Seven Sisters Storytelling at Guesthouse:
Stories to Bring the House Down - Nell Phoenix, 9 January. A new-start night of cakes, cackles and community. Nell's best loved stories, jokes and proverbs.
The Bag of Wonders - Xanthe Gresham Knight, 13 February. Cats, rats and spindles - tales of ancestral grannies. A pick and mix of fibs and fables.
The Secret Commonwealth - Tim Ralphs, 12 March. Dark, twisted and superbly strange stories of the Other Crowd, The Good People, The Fairies.
The Mighty Goddess - Sally Pommme Clayton, 9 April. Follow the goddess from creator to crone in tales of lust, greed, death and rebirth.
Hosting the Best of Guesthouse - Anne-Marie, Umi and Wendy, 14 May. Favourites from 16 years of community storytelling. Come and tell or listen. (£5).
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